Cesar Sasami with Whitefish & Vegetables in Jelly Dog Meal which is a deliciously premium range of food for adult dogs. This is complementary dog food for feeding complete and balanced dog foods such as Pedigree Dry Food. Made with high-quality ingredients, this gourmet dog food is cooked in a way that does not impair the natural flavor of the ingredients. This gourmet food gives your dog a lot of flavors but is low fat. Made with high-quality real ingredients and the irresistible taste of Sasami, this wet food for dogs will satiate your dog’s sophisticated palate. Low-fat steamed Sasami and low-calorie content make this gourmet meal a great choice for your four-legged friend. Cesar Sasami with Whitefish & Vegetables in Jelly Dog Meal has an irresistible taste and palatability with 87% moisture and 35 kcal energy per pack. Every dog deserves to be loved and treating them with Cesar is a great way to love them back.
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