Zincotin 200 ml


  • Loaded with essential vitamins and minerals that replenish nutrient deficiency in the body.
  • Boost the overall body functioning and accelerate recovery after common body sickness, post-pregnancy, surgery, etc.
  • The multi-vitamins and minerals support the healthy functioning of the heart, nervous system, immune system, etc.
  • Has Vitamin A that is good for vision and keeps the organs working properly.
  • Vitamin C is necessary for tissue repairing and collagen production in the body.
  • Maintains a healthy metabolism and energy production in the body.
  • Contains B complex vitamins that are known to aid the proper functioning of the nervous system.

100 in stock

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Give your body the daily dose of vitamins and minerals with the Zincovit Syrup that is an excellent immunity-boosting tonic. It is a time-tested formulation that is composed of multi-vitamins and multi-minerals and replenishes its deficiency in our body. It is also loaded with the antioxidant property that is effective in neutralizing the free radicals in the body and improves overall health.

It provides the body with balanced nutritional support needed for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Minerals like Zinc in it are known to charge up the body’s immunity system. The syrup also has other vital nutrients that aid in metabolism factors, support other body functioning, and enhance skin, hair & bone health over time.


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